Saturday, June 14, 2008

Everyone can Drink from the Water Fountain!

So I was approached in a parking lot of all places by a young lady selling make up - door to door & business to business. I was impressed - so impressed that I knew I was going to buy whatever she had even if it was junk - based on principle. As a fellow sales professional I appreciate how much gumption and strength it takes to do that and I respect the small percentage of people that can.
While she was in the middle of selling to me however one of the local business owners from "M____ Restaraunt" in Wayland decided to approach her and give her a piece of advice and his mind at the same time. So this business person started to let her know she was not welcome and that the landlord had a no soliciting policy for the property and that she needed to leave right now!
Mmmmmm? On one hand I respect her and on the opposite end of things this gentleman from M____ Restaruant is irritated by her and decides it is so important that it is worth rudely interrupting her and me to vent - what is the difference.
People like this drive me crazy and I have Blogged about them before. Clearly the "no solicitation" policy he spoke of is discriminatory - after all he solicits for his business on the property, his customers come and go, his prospects come and go, he asks qualifying questions of them both, he has a huge sign. he takes orders and delivers all on a piece of property where according to him there is "no soliciting". I have eaten here numerous times (the Irish Eggs Benedict are great) and this place is thriving and I am sure they do very well financially - so why the attitude, I didn't need to be saved.
So here are some rules that might clear things up.
If products are sold, if services are rendered, if others can come and go freely like the UPS man, the Fed Ex man, your customers and your prospects and you say that only sales people are banished that in my opinion is Discriminatory and a violation of their civil rights!
In this country years ago people would put up signs of their own for a different reason - infamously the "colored" sign over one water fountain and the "whites" over another. These signs did not reflect the dream of the founding fathers and neither were they logical or fair. Just because there was a sign didn't make it the law either - they were a disgusting representation of all that was wrong. So before you hang up that disgusting sign of your own that insulates you from reality and tries to make business a one way street I suggest that while you are at it - hang up a sign banning Negros, Colored, Hispanics and Gays - I mean if you are going to discriminate then go all the way!


Anonymous said...

Frank, doesn't the owner pay for the right to solicit on his property? Why should he allow someone to do it for free? I'm sure that you've noticed kiosks in stores. They pay for the right to be there. Why should somebody with an armful of fake Rolexes be allowed to solicit people in the mall aisles.

On the flip side, don't we 'troll' the aisles at trade shows? HMMM?

Anonymous said...

Good point and you are right - however someoen also provided the water fountain and incurred the cost but that didn't automatically provide them with the right to decide who does or does not use it. When you go into business you automatically become a capitalist and that means not only do you benefit from it - it also means you become a prospect. If people don't want to be "hassled" then let each individual decide and maker their own decision - let the market decide and those who are fit enough to survive will and those who are not will be weeded out. We don't need people appointing themselves the guardians of commerce and making decisions for everyone else.

Anonymous said...

Here is my feedback to all business owners that post "No Solicitation" signs. Talk with everyone who walks through your doors! That person, or someone they know, could be your future customer! Especially in a restaurant business!

When I get told that I disregarded a “No Solicitation” sign, my reply is… “I’m Sorry, I thought those signs were for little league and sports teams coming in for fundraising. I’m here to help you not just ask for money”. ;-)


Anonymous said...

I think it was David Sandler who said he loved No Solicitation signs since he knew it was put there because the owner was terrified his folks would buy stuff from whoever came in!

He therefore took it as encouragement. Certainly it seems to be there more usually by default than because it is genuinely enforced. There is never an excuse to be aggressive in it's defence I don't think.
