Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Go Find Your Aristotle

Yesterday I had a chance to meet Ken Blanchard and to hear him speak to a group of Boston Entrepreneurs. There was obviously a lot of great information and I took some notes knowing that something he said would end up here.
Ken is a very "grandfatherly" figure - 68 years old, successful business owner, successful family man, accomplished author of many books to cite just a few of the things he has done that almost anyone would be proud of; in spite of this near the end of his discourse he said something that surprised me! He spoke about his mentor - someone he talks with every week and has done for years to keep him focused. Someone that he feels is not emotionally involved in the issues he faces and can help him keep a clear head. Wow! He then mentioned that studies show that all successful business people are "open to mentor ship"- what an interesting concept, are you open to mentor ship? Are you successful? Could you be more successful?
Historically speaking I had to agree with Ken. Many of the greatest leaders in history were open to mentor ship - conversely some of the worst leaders were not.
Aristotle served as a mentor to Alexander the Great - certainly that should provide evidence of the truth of Kens' statement. Alexander was young but was able to make mature decisions. So if you have a young business who do you rely on as a mentor? How do you find an appropriate mentor? Go find your Aristotle!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually, Frank, I swear that I heard him say "coach" not "mentor". He also said that it was a 45-50 minute session every week. I'm aware of all emphasis placed on the personal 'athletic' coaches. I know that many law, CPA and other professional firm partners as well as company executives have coaches, but I like you was surprised that this wizened, world traveller saw the need for a coach. Makes you think!