Thursday, December 27, 2007


When Leonidas king of Sparta decided to try holding an army of almost 1,000,000 Persians at bay, with only 300 men what was he thinking? Although ultimately betrayed and defeated by the Persians the events at Thermopylae are generally regarded as a victory for the Spartans.
I would have to assume that he understood true leadership and had built an organization that when called upon to produce - produced!
Too often in business we come across CEO's that have a clear understanding of their "logo" and their "mission statement" and their " building lease" and their "office equipment and furniture" and yet they have no "300" to call upon when it comes to their Sales Force.
Who can they call on to bring in the sales, revenues and profits when they need to? Who will go and defeat the Persians?
The 300 men that served Leonidas were
  1. better trained than any of their opponents
  2. better physical condition
  3. had no fear and no hidden weaknesses that would let the group down
  4. a clear understanding of the mission and big picture
  5. love and loyalty for their leader
  6. a lean and fast moving unit

Does this describe your sales organization?

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